About Us

Fitness-Pharm is one of the best wholesaler and retailer of Anabolic steroids and other Supplements in USA

From Founder
USA Peptides Shop was put together by group of health scientists and sporting directors. This was done in order to fit the needs of sporters helping them accomplish their required bodybuilding & fitness goals.
Mila Christine
Social Media
Our Story
The Peptides family engages in enhancing the strength and resilience of bodybuilders.

For so many years bodybuilding has always always been part of every human life. This is done either to maintain body structure, be prepared for a competitive event or just the love for fitness.

We strive in providing the right medication for every consumer or sporter helping them archive their goals or reaching a particular target at its given time. Every product sold at our shop are authentic, well tested and safe for Human consumption.

It is always advisable to get prescription before consuming some of these products especially Oral & Injectable steroids. Some of these drugs maybe addictive and may cause certain side effects if not taken correctly.

We will keep on doing our best to maintain a healthy bodybuilding community and save environment for sports and actions.

Our Goals


Our products gets you well prepared and fit for any sporting event

Pure Organic

Some of these products are pure and only help to enhance performance

Natural Care

Love your body, treat it with care and reach your target in no time

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